You Are Not A Mistake

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.”- Psalm 19:1-2

If you’ve ever taken the time to look around you, you’ll notice the world is full of some pretty neat things. Take for instance one of the most common things, the sky. We get so much from our atmosphere. Rain, thunder, sunny rays, snow and the list goes on. God made the world a beautiful place and he designed you his creation on a whole other level. If you think God put time into this earth, then start to think about your body. The human body is wired from head to toe but every part inside plays a vital role to its survival. Just like the body of Christ, we all play vital roles. Though it seems like there are so many Christians and you feel like you have such a small existence, you couldn’t be more wrong. God uses every part of the body just like he uses every man and woman on earth. We’re all here for a reason. It’s in his design. God put’s so much detail into everything he does, but not one part of anything can be lost. He uses it all. So ask God for your purpose and your plan. God is more than capable of showing you the way. You are not useless, you are not a mistake. You are here because GOD SAID SO. So don’t take another day for granted.

Published in: on June 20, 2009 at 8:22 am  Leave a Comment